Bloggy Blog Blog
Here you’ll find a blog of my road trip adventures as well as any milestones I feel like bragging about.

Building a darkroom with little to no DIY skills
The title suggests I can't do DIY which is not entirely true. I have been known to wield a hammer from time to time but while the results are functional they´re not particularly pretty. However, my stubborn hubris was no match for the skills necessary to convert my storage space into my new darkroom. If this resonates then this article is for you. On the other hand If you're one of “those” people who can put up shelves and shit then you can just go ahead and read this with smug abandon.

Langt síðan síðast!
I have committed sins against blogs and general website upkeep for quite some time now, a year and two months to be exact, fuck!

Analogue Upcycle
Here lies a tale of perseverance and victory. You see I’m a self proclaimed ideas person, it’s on my CV and everything so it must be true. The unfortunate thing is I´m not so good at finishing any of these totally brilliant ideas before being distracted by yet more ideas, shiny things and squirrels.

Return of the Lauragram
I´m starting this one with a little art history lesson for you. Don´t click away yet, it´s not a yawnfest kind of lesson, calm down, but to be able to explain where i´m going with this I first have to explain it´s roots.

Developing Slide Film - Not for the Faint Hearted
This will be a mish mash of part review, tutorial and warning to all mankind about the perils of developing slide film.

Road Trip of Firsts
I’ve never traveled by campervan, but I’ve always wanted to. I’m a terrible camper, my last attempt sleeping in a tent ended in me doing some sort of uncoordinated barrel roll to get out.

A Journey into Colour
I have this intention of writing a quick and dirty post about my first (technically not but for the purposes of this let’s pretend) journey into colour film.

Finding the P-word in Photography
Up until very recently my only outlet for my photography was Instagram. It actually started with my first instagram page which is @laurainiceland where I would very strictly only post what I called “real photos”.

Road Tripping in Iceland
My love for Iceland was born unexpectedly, I absolutely didn’t see it coming and it washed over me like a tidal wave in a monsoon.

Hassy vs Cow
The date was 29th August 2019 and we were about half way through our summer holiday in Austria…

Finding My Analogue Groove
This is an introduction to me and my journey through photography that’s led to my current style of shooting analogue.

The Zine Zone
I only heard of zines a couple of years ago, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, I think they’re bloody brilliant in all forms. So when I got the invite to contribute to one by Hipshootfilm I thought why the fuck not.